Through no fault of his own, my dear landlord found it necessary to put the house on the market, so all of a sudden, I've moved out...out of the house and, sadly, out of Crestview altogether, literally to the other side of the tracks.
The whole thing was very sudden and heart-wrenching at first, because I knew I'd never find an affordable rent house in the hood that welcomes pets and could accommodate me. But I can't complain, since we had an agreement from the beginning that I might have to leave in as little as two or three years. Happily, I got to stay in my little rent house on Piedmont

The thing I miss most about Crestview is the overall laid-back, friendly vibe. Everybody smiles and waves; people don't do that everywhere, you know. (They sure don't do it here on the other side of Research Blvd.)
The convenience of being only 4 houses away from Woodrow, a bus stop, and the Crestview Shopping Center is something I'll always remember fondly. I especially love the wonderful little IGA grocery store...I still buy my Lotto tickets there, because if I ever won, they'd get a lot of money too, and that could insure their future. And I'd buy myself a house in Crestview, preferably the same one my landlord is readying for sale...
But for now, I'm in exile. Still, sometimes when life buries you under what feels like a crushing load of

The new neighborhood is a letdown after basking in Crestview's peaceful mellowness for over 5 years, but there are perks here as well; Target is only a 5-minute scooter ride away, as is my bank with its drive-up ATM, and Taco Cabana. It's all good.
Meanwhile, if you know someone who's looking for a house to buy in Crestview, 1312 Piedmont Avenue is now sporting a "For Sale" sign out front, and I can't imagine a better location....
Well, that's it. Happy Trails, everybody!