There be Horses!

May 15th, 2009:

...and a little stagecoach, waiting to take lucky Brentwood Elementary students for rides! Is this a cool neighborhood or what?

The little white one above with the pretty blue eyes is apparently there just for petting, and is very good at it- sweet and friendly. Man I miss my horses!

The folks at Decotah's Dream Team Carriage Company were kind enough to let me get my long-overdue horse fix, and I really appreciate it. I've been seriously Jonesin' for horses since I had to re-home the last of my little herd almost 10 years ago. Happily, this morning I finally got to lay my hand on that wonderfully warm place under the horse's mane, to smell that wonderful scent of "Corral No. 5", and to stroke that soft nose...ahh

This brings up my only real complaint about this neighborhood - we have dogs and cats of all kinds, all over the place,
even parrots, which is great....but not nearly enough horses!

Anyway, if you need a horse at your house, call (512) 281-2022 or go to

(Below, my last horse, a miniature stallion named "Fred", retired to a little ranch outside Seguin a long time ago, but is no doubt grazing in Horsey Heaven by now...)

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