Ah ha! Clear eidence that "Gracie" and "Jasmine" are NOT the same dog. Now if we could only spot Clark Kent and Superman together...
Little "Vader" (almost 7 months old) watches the BIG dogs
"Luna" plays with "Sami" as "Harper" makes a bee-line to the lady with the dog treats
Unfortunately, once in awhile someone nearby who clearly doesn't like to see happy dogs actually calls the police, and of course they have to repond by cruising past slowly, watching for off-leash dogs and issuing citations. We quickly click the leashes back on and say for the zillionith time, "This is ridiculous! We seriously need a dog park! All these nice dogs deserve it."Little "Oscar" poses so nicely! Thank you, Oscar.
above "Yehudi" on top of "Dexter" play nicely as "Oscar" supervises"Dexter" catches his breath after a prolonged romp
Here comes "Sugar"!
Lots of neighborhood dogs, in search of a place to play off-leash legally
Gee, could "Gracie" possibly want a tummy rub?"Gracie" carries her tennis ball
"Choco" and "Claude" meet
"Scout" kindly holds sorta still for a picture...
"Butternut", soft and sweet. ("Butters" for short)
Sweet "Sami"; a rescued dog, hangs out happily with neighbors and their dogs at the park
Lovely, soft, fluffy "Jasmine"
Happy, hyper "Rusty"'s new poodle cut; classic!
above, "Jean", another sweet dog (maybe a Saluki mix?), a native of Afghanistan, was brought here by an American soldier. Welcome, Jean! "Baby Doll" and "Houdini" rest in my considerable shade
Eddie Wilson's new pup, "Muy Guapo*", is a digging prodigy! (*That's only the most recent name; first he was "Oliver", then "Olivier", then "Jack", then "Jack-O")
above "Muy" (left) cautiously meets "Frigo" (right) "Pepper", a super-energetic little dude, off-leash for the first time and loving it!
A very, very good dog, actually named "Fido"
Sweet little "Porter" enjoys some lovin' from Robert
Lovely "Jasmine"
above Hello, "Dolly"!
(above) "Marshall", all set to retrieve.
above Dear "Annie" (I think; I can't tell Annie from Sugar; sorry) "Harper", a very friendly dog who does tricks and streaks around like a brown-eyed rocket, (above, ready for launch, and below, dancing with Claude)
"Harper" and "Claude" playing nicely
(above) Yet another "Daisy". This Daisy is the most vocal. ("Barkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbark...")
above Sweet "Jasmine" catches her breath left "Claude": "Can I play?"
"Whoa! You are just playing, right?"
above Yep, just playing.
gentle "Daisy" moseys over to visit
sweet "Daisy" with the little dudes, "Houdini" and "Babydoll"
below, Sweet "Daisy" meets "Baby Doll" and "Houdini""Daisy" enjoys affection
above, Claude visits his old pal "Davis" the Puppy
above Another "Daisy"; also a very nice dog
above Intrepid "Claude"
above - "Holiday" ambles over to visit "Claude" "Joey", ever loyal
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