Our 2009 Ice Cream Social

Claude got to hang with dog friends.

A kid-friendly event.

The invitation read "All Crestview residents are invited to gather by the Little Deli gazebo on June 20th at 11am-1pm for some FREE ICE CREAM, while supplies last. Meet your neighbors and watch your elected neighborhood association officers work for you (scooping ice cream)! There are plans to have a gardeners' seed swap, a free raffle for Austin event tickets, and a CNA membership table".
Claude and I scooted over to the shopping center and found a whole bunch of shining, happy people eating free ice cream and enjoying the day. There was live music, and seed and produce sharing. And I finally joined the Crestview Neighborhood Association, and bought yet another copy of the video history.
It was all lovely, but too hot for me so I was just there for less than a half hour. http://www.crestviewna.org/2009/05/annual-crestview-ice-cream-social-june.html

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